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pdf.pngCognitive Architectures for Supporting Strategic Behaviours in Adaptive Systems HOT

Cognitive Architectures for Supporting Strategic Behaviours in Adaptive Systems was presented as part of "The Human-Electronic Crew: The Right Stuff?" at the 4th Joint GAF/RAF/USAF Workshop on Human-Computer Teamwork, which was held at the Hotel zur Post, Kreuth, Nr. Tegernsee, Germany on 23-26 September 1997.

Date 14-04-2020
Language  English
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pdf.pngCreating Organisations Fit for the Human Spirit Through Hakomi HOT

Creating Organisations Fit for the Human Spirit Through Hakomi was published in the Hakomi Journal's Issue 12 in 1996.

Date 14-04-2020
Language  English
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pdf.pngDefence Research Agency Psycognition Research Report HOT

This Defence Research Agency Psycognition Research Report was published in July 1997 following an exploration of the strategic behaviours underlying fighter pilots’ decision making in critical incidents. 

Date 14-04-2020
Language  English
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pdf.pngFuture Internet Workshop On Research Roadmap For EU Framework HOT

Future Internet Workshop On Research Roadmap For Eu Framework is the accompanying workshop for the 'The Next Internet Explained' paper. 

Date 14-04-2020
Language  English
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pdf.pngOverview of Psycognition HOT

'Overview of Psycognition' was published in 2011 as an introduction to Psycognition's methodology, framework and application. 

Date 14-04-2020
Language  English
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pdf.pngPsycognition: Cognitive Architectures for Augmented Cognition Systems HOT

Psycognition: Cognitive Architectures for Augmented Cognition Systems  was presented at a conference in USA . 

Date 14-04-2020
Language  English
File Size 117.99 KB
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pdf.pngThe Next Internet Explained: The psychological, social and economic forces that will shape the future internet HOT

'The Next Internet Explained: The psychological, social and economic forces that will shape the future internet' was based on the study “Towards a Future Internet” which was carried out for the European Commission’s DG Information Society and Media over a period of twenty months in 2009/2010.

Date 14-04-2020
Language  English
File Size 48.03 KB
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